It’s here!

TrueWonders wants to bring children to the Bible through entertaining, FREE 3D animated Bible content for all ages. No cost. No paid subscriptions. It’s all FREE. No preaching. Just animated Bible Stories. We’re not being backed by any organization. Please support us with your likes, follows, and by subscribing.


TrueWonders Story Time is a fun little side series we're making while we finish the first episode of the fully 3D animated production. Watch all our content for free by subscribing to our channel on YouTube here:

TrueWonders Story Time is a side production and prelude to our main production series in the making, which is fully 3D animated episodes of Bible Stories.

TrueWonders wants to bring children to the Bible through FREE 3D animated Bible stories. We're producing the epic tales of the entire Bible in entertaining 3D animated cartoons and will be distributing it as free videos all over the world. Not just as stories, but with Biblical truth.

Besides 3D animated Bible cartoons in videos, we're also working on biblical comic books, mobile apps, and more.

Our main production of fully animated stories is still in the making and will be released in the near future. Watch a preliminary teaser video by clicking here:

Bible story comic books and mobile apps are also coming soon.



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