
We're a small team of volunteers using 3D animation to minister to children, especially those who are underprivileged. Please help us reach our goal to produce 300 stories from the entire Bible and distribute the episodes for free to reach kids all over the world. Your donation will help us bring children to the Bible through these free entertaining 3D animated videos.

Let's steer kids away from the ungodly entertainment that they're being bombarded with constantly via TV, children's books and entertainment, video games, and the Internet. It's all littered with evil and subliminal messaging to keep them away from God's kingdom and steer them to witchcraft and New Age. Instead, we want to offer a better alternative by giving them better superheroes like David, Joseph, and Daniel. We want to teach them about the one and only true God and steer them toward the heavenly supernatural.

Your donation will help us pay the bills to fulfill our mission of ministering to kids especially if they cannot afford much.

If you wish to contribute to our mission in another way, then please contact us. We are always seeking talent.


To donate to TrueWonders, please click the button below:


For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

- 2 Chronicles 16:9



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